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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Since early 2011, many break-ins occur and piracy that makes hackers can penetrate a company-owned data. Call it Sony, hackers managed to penetrate the 100 million Sony PlayStation account.

In addition, there are a supplier company jets for the Pentagon, Lockheed Martin, the network and database hackers successfully penetrated pelangganya email. The company itself is also known to do the marketing for Best Buy and Target.
NEW Citigroup credit card information stolen customers. However, in the case of Citigroup, which is a three digit-coded security features CVV name on the back of credit cards will be difficult for hackers to use direct payments.
Known, hackers use 'spyware' to get customer data into the website and then do online banking. How to prevent computer impenetrable computer? Namely by creating a strong password. Here's how to create strong passwords.
Some people use the first name of their pets as passwords, default internet. In addition, there are also people who use a simple wedding date and number '1234 '.
According to experts, people such as not having a password at all. Expert found, against the modern hackers who have advanced hardware, computer password consists of at least a minimum of 12 characters randomly selected from all numbers, letters and keyboard symbols.
Until a few years ago, eight-character passwords mix numbers and letters would provide relatively strong protection. But now according to a senior researcher at Georgia Tech Research Institute Richard Boyd, the use of graphics processors and robots patrol the site to give hackers the power needed to solve all kinds of passwords except the most complex passwords.
If you only use a password of eight characters, and the only character password limit on the letters of the alphabet, can clearly be solved in a matter of minutes, said Boyd. "Passwords should be as much as you can remember, at least 10-12 characters long," he said. Hackers use two kinds of tricks to break the password. The first technique, ie password match with the dictionary's name, date and other public safety phrases are often used.
If you use a birthday or a pet's name as a password, this method will be easily broken by hackers, said Boyd. The second technique, namely the attacks 'violent,' trying every possible combination of letters and numbers up to succeed.
This technique is like trying every possible combination on a single key, this method requires a lot of time but now the time is can be shortened thanks to computers that exist today increasingly fast and sophisticated.
By extending up to 12 character password, the user can make an attack 'violence' take long to crack passwords that users create sophisticated computer hackers finally gave up and switched to an easier target.
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